February 26, 2014

Another Reason To Love Singer Pink...

I already love Pink for her music, 
her showmanship, 
her song "Dear Mr President" written as a challenging letter to George Bush, 
her support of marriage equality, 
and then I saw this quote and it made me almost swoon….

love her!

February 20, 2014

Adam Levine & the best tweet ever

This is from last year, from even before he was voted People's 
"Sexiest Man Of The Year"… 

...back when Adam Levine was best known as the lead singer of pop rock band Maroon 5, and I stumbled across it again this week and still love it just as much….

February 14, 2014


Cross one off the bucket list…!

Today K and I are heading due south, by plane to South America and then by cruise ship for two amazing weeks, stopping at several ports in along the coast of South America, the Falkland Islands, and cruising through Antarctica.

We took our first cruise together in 2012, thought the Panama Canal (another 'bucket list' trip) and both loved it. K is actually now building a business as a travel agent specializing in selling cruises… and yes we will apparently be taking many, many more cruises in the future.

As we head to such an amazing  place, I have started on a bit of research… granted most of that is reading articles on Wikipedia and watching cute penguin videos on YouTube, but also some real research.

On long drives I listened to the audio book of Endurance, the acclaimed true bestseller about Sir Ernest Shackleton's 1914 attempt to cross Antarctica on land with his team; their ship was crushed and they survived for five months on ice packs before setting sail in a lifeboat. It is an amazing, inspiring story. Our trip will be easier.

Now I am reading Antarctica: An Intimate Portrait of A Mysterious Continent, in which a science writer talks about the research happening there, the secret lakes and landscapes, and the impact of global warming. Interesting stuff from a really smart person. My brain hurts a little.

Stay tuned for more after we return… we plan to come back with awesome memories and very cool pictures… none of which will resemble this:

February 11, 2014

Morons Mocking Marriage...

I am usually all for silliness and wackiness and the mocking of authority, however this one totally hit me the wrong way.

Last week while on a quick business trip to Calgary I was radio surfing and stumbled across these idiots...

A Calgary radio station whose call numbers are 90.3 are having a Valentine's Day contest for "The 90.3 Hour Marriage": 

Enter the contest, marry a total stranger on Valentine's Day, hop a plane with your new spouse to spend a weekend in Vancouver including seeing the Miley Cyrus concert, come back to Calgary and get a divorce… assuming one or both of you want a divorce, and really what are the odds?

Ah poor Miley… and poor marriage. Both are getting twerked here.

Maybe I am sensitive about the seriousness of marriage cuz I waited til I was in my 40s to get hitched, or maybe because I am in a same-sex marriage and very conscious of how rare and precious that still is, or maybe just because I am a grown fucking adult who is not Billy Bob Thornton, however this is nuts… and stupid and disrespectful and giving the entirely wrong message to everyone.

So people have an issue with gays getting married, but THIS is ok? That is fucked up.

And yes people are entering this contest. A lot of them. Morons.

You can read more on the station's website… but please don't enter the contest: 
Calgary Amp Radio

February 9, 2014

Arrow Star Blasts Russia Homophobia...

"For everyone asking, we’re taking a mini hiatus so people can grit their teeth and suffer through an Olympic games marred by homophobia and mediocre levels of public interest. Back February 26th. … Follow up point — Good luck to all the athletes who have worked so hard for so many years and essentially geared their entire life around this opportunity. Hopefully, a lot of them will use their success and a public platform to remind everybody this isn’t the stone age.”
– TV's "Arrow" star Stephen Amell showing he stands up for equality while noting his hit series is on hiatus during the Winter Olympics, in a message posted on his Facebook page

February 7, 2014

Celebrities & Mean Tweets...

Though I don't love him the way I do Jimmy Fallon, I do enjoy watching  Jimmy Kimmel's late night talk show, especially his ongoing shtick with running out of time to talk to Matt Damon, and his recurring segments where he has his celebrity guests read mean tweets about themselves.

It's cringe worthy fun and shows the celebs to be good sports… and reminds us there are some real douchey people out there.

Watch and enjoy...

February 1, 2014

Scarlett Johansson's Soda Controversy

Actress and Avenger Scarlett Johansson is the new international ambassador for Soda Stream, a home-carbonating pop maker… and before her Superbowl commercial this weekend controversy has erupted.

Soda Stream is an Israeli product manufactured in the disputed West Bank, and there is politics all over this one. I wrote about it at Lefty Pop on Wednedsay…. prior to Johansson splitting with Oxfam on Thursday over this. Click through to read my post: