March 31, 2014

How I Met Your Disappointing Series Finale

Tonight we saw the much anticipated series finale of How I Met Your Mother, the sweet funny sitcom that ran for nine years and 208 episodes.

Successful series often struggle with how to end, from St Elsewhere's 'it was all a snow globe dream' to Desperate Housewives' man-focussed dead people return, to Seinfeld's everybody goes to prison for being snarky to Lost just ending weird. Few series end well. But it can be done… Six Feet Under ended well, as did Cheers; Mary Tyler Moore had a sad funny ending. And Newhart had a classic clever throwback to the previous Bob Newhart series… so it can be done well.

This one was not a classic.

This was a big finale, with lots of social media buzz. While #HIMYM as it is now known and hash-tagged, started soft in the ratings, it become a solid player by season three and a juggernaut in syndication. I started watching it about four years ago, and caught up in syndication and on Netflix.

Besides funny story lines and great acting, the show -- created by former Letterman writers with no sitcom experience -- had a knack for doing sad and touching equally well to the funny. The whole premise - Ted telling his grown kids the long-winded story of how he met their mother - was new and different.

We met the mother at the end of season eight, and then all of this final season happened over the wedding weekend of main characters Barney and Robin, ending with Ted meeting the mother, including flashbacks and flash-forward's, and answering a lot of the series' questions and internet's hypothesizing.

The series finale answers included (spoiler alert, watch these event shows live, people): the mother's name is Tracy, Ted doesn't move to Chicago, Marshall eventually becomes a judge, the mother dies, Robin and Barney divorce (who didn't see that coming), the grown kids give Ted their blessing to date Robin.

Robin and Ted together? They were a lousy couple for years. I mean not as bad as Robin and Barney, but still, this felt desperate. Ted and Tracy were good together.

So this episode had too little of the funny, a lot of the dramatic, and felt like it was trying too hard to be memorable and significant. Twists are good, sure, but this is supposed to be a comedy, a romantic comedy, and having all the characters fast forward through dark ages of death, divorce, and disengagement from their friends is not funny. Or romantic.

This was a good sitcom that probably should have ended before its claustrophobic final season. And definitely should have ended as a comedy. How about a happy ending… with more funny and less death.

The producers are planning a sort of spin off with new characters, imaginatively titled How I Met Your Dad. Yes really.  I think I may have to pass on that one… Pharrel Williams is joining The Voice as a judge and that has way more potential.

March 30, 2014

Yep, I wrote about the Kardashians...

I used to proudly declare that while far from high-brow,  this blog was Kardashian-free…

I lied.

I wrote about the vapid one's controversial Vogue cover with fiancĂ© Kanye West on Lefty Pop. and then I saw her on Late Night With Seth Meyers promoting the cover, saying it was a highlight of her life and a dream come true. 

Maybe she was nervous, maybe she's an idiot, but Kardashian spoke slowly, used small words, and looked pretty much robotic and stunned through the whole thing. Meyers looked amused at best.

Who and why Kardashian needed up on the establishment-friendly Vogue is interesting and controversial… read my post here:

March 26, 2014

Uprising Of Love...

Here's a powerful new song and music video from out gay singer Melissa Etheridge, who uses footage of demonstrations and anti-gay violence in Russia to call for tolerance and an 'uprising of love'…

The song is to promote which raises awareness of Russia's anti-gay laws, and the profits from the song go to charities supporting Russia's LGBT community. I'm downloading it tonight!

March 22, 2014

The future of movies...

I've seen the future of movies… 
it was entertaining, it was new, it was something I really wanted to see, and it played at my house on opening weekend… it was Veronica Mars, and I wrote about it on Lefty Pop. Click below to read more…

March 17, 2014

The Normal Heart...

Already looking forward to this one….

Here is the just-released trailer for HBO's The Normal Heart, the finally on film version of Larry Kramer's award winning 1985 play on the rise of the HIV/AIDS crisis in New York between 1981 and 1984, as seen through the eyes of writer/activist Ned Weeks, the gay Jewish American founder of an HIV advocacy group. 

A long-delayed film version with Barbra Streisand died during planning, and then a Tony-winning 2011 Broadway revival with The Big Bang Theory's Jim Parsons revived interest.

Now out director Ryan Murphy -- famous for Glee, American Horror Story, and Eat Pray Love -- is bringing The Normal Heart to HBO, with Parsons, Julia Roberts, Matt Bomer and Mark Ruffalo.

This is one of those iconic plays I have always heard of and never seen… so come May when it airs, I'll be watching!

March 15, 2014

Suck It, Barbie…!

The brave new world of “crowd funding” — raising money online from a wide range of backers, often small amounts from many non-financial people — is bringing us the new Veronica Mars movie, sleek new gizmos to charge our iPhones, and a cool new alternative to they iconic hyper-stylized body-image-fiasco Barbie doll.
Meet Lammily… she is not your average girl. Well actually she is, and that is exactly the point…
I wrote about Lammily for Lefty Pop… read this must-know post by clicking link below:

March 11, 2014

We Went To Antarctica! (…Part 3)

Since our first cruise together in 2012, K and I have explored amazing parts of the world --- the Panama Canal and area, the Mediterranean, and now Antarctica -- with more to come: Alaska, then Galapagos, then who knows where…

A lifelong travel addict, Kevin is now building a business as a travel agent, and I gotta admit that all I really do for these amazing trips is show up. Not a bad way to be! So here is my (unsponsored) plug for him… subscribe to his email newsletter through link below and you are entered to win a pretty impressive trip… check it out:

Here is part 3 of 3 of our photos -- and yes we have waaaay more than this… you're welcome for the edit:

March 9, 2014

We Went To Antarctica! (...Part 1)

I would call it the trip of a lifetime, but something tells me we will be going back…!

Last week we came back from the bucket list vacation, a 15-day cruise to Antarctica, starting and returning from Buenos Aires, with stops in Argentina (Ushuaia), Uruguay, and the Falklands Islands.

We saw amazing landscapes, met fun and interesting people, had some really great food… and had a bit more of an adventure than planned… this is a ship equipped with barf bags!

Ice ice baby…. as the weather there is severe and volatile, rough weather in Antarctica (39 foot waves, holy crap) forced a couple of changes in itinerary. We did not hit that storm, though did have a couple of rough days and nights (I popped a seasick pill or five), and some of our planned excursions ---  such as the penguin rookery visit --- were cancelled as we went to different places on different days than originally planned.

Antarctica is breathaking… the highest windiest driest coldest place on earth, it is technically a desert as does not get rain… and while no humans live there, it has tons of wildlife due to the rich oceans.

This was an amazing trip! Over the next couple of years as we explore the world more, and K builds his travel business with a cruising speciality, we are headed to Alaska, the Galapagos Islands, and then who knows where….

Pics are below, and of course do not do the real experience justice… we were jaw-dropped awe-struck more than once…