May 9, 2010

Two weeks until our big fat gay wedding...

Fourteen short days from from today is our wedding, and we are pretty damn excited. It is going to be a small-ish, casual, and hopefully elegant brunch wedding, with just immediate family and close friends.

The prep is all done and the stage is all set for our big day, featuring a group of amazing players: hotel and catering, flowers, photographer, incredible cake, talented harpist, personality-plus wedding commissioner, and so on. It is going to be a lovely day; is it also going to be a political one?

Same-sex marriage has been legal in Canada since 2005 (in some provinces since 2003), and yet it feels newsworthy. People we know are excited for us, as you would expect. People we meet are curious and enthusiastic. Then dig a little deeper, and while there are no naysayers to our faces, there are silences: the marriage commissioners who were unavailable to meet us when we were interviewing, the paperwork that is formatted for bride and groom only, and the family member who didn't even bother to RSVP. Hmmm... I guess he's not attending... think he'll still send a gift?

Growing up I never thought I would get married because, y'know, I like boys, so as the world has evolved, and as K and I have built our relationship, it has been a world of discovery. But is that political? Well it is proud and intentional and public, and as the 70s feminist slogan goes, the personal is political.

Our life isn't a strategy and isn't showy or political. It is living our lives proudly and honourably, and yes that will get some attention, and freak out the bigots and Glenn Beck's and closet cases of the world, and so be it. If all politics is local, and all politics is personal, then this is political. And it's a good thing. And sometime not too long from now it won't be newsworthy, it will be just another wedding...


R.J. said...

Good luck with the upcoming wedding. You deserve a memorable one.

Frau said...

Congrats! I'm excited for you both to have a formal union like you deserved and a party to remember too!

Rusty Hoe said...

So excited for you guys. Love is a grand thing and I'm glad you guys are getting the chance to share it with the people you love. No matter who you are, finding someone who loves you and who you love in return, who puts up with all your weird foibles and truly annoying habits and still wants to wake up with you in the morning, is a gift.

All that matters is that on the day it's about the two of you and the love you share. Don't let anyone take that away.

Wishing you both many many years of love and happiness.

SharkBoy said...

Congratulations... Have someone take lots of pictures and videos because you will want to revisit that day often.

inannasstar said...

Congratulations! I hope you have a magical and beautiful day! Any honeymoon plans?

Bob said...

Sometimes "not showy" and "not political" is the most newsworthy.
Sometimes just living your lives as you want to live your life, makes the most noise.

Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

Awww, YAY! Sounds lovely and make sure you take time to enjoy every single second of it.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

How exciting! Savour every moment!

RuthWells said...


Vodka Logic said...

I would put myself in the "curious and enthusiastic" category. I am curious since I have never been to a gay wedding, but I am also curious about a Hindu wedding which I would love to go to as well. I am also enthusiastic about it for you as I would be anyone.. too bad it has to be political and not just another happily ever I am sure it will be xxx

Preston said...

I am so jealous. Take pictures and post them. I can't wait to see your BIG GAY Wedding. :)

marymac said...

Obviously sending a gift is more important than attending. ;)
Speaking of attending, I have been searching my mail and for some reason still cannot find my invitation! "Close family and friends" includes 'haggy soccer mom bloggers from Maryland'? No?
Darn. I couldn't use my passport for the time to go to Paris thanks to Ashtastic Volcan-ho, so I'd love to use it to drive up to Canada!! (Can I just crash the reception?!)
Well, you better post TONS OF PICTURES!
xoxo and all the best and ENJOY!!!
Love trumps politics any day.

Kevin said...

Are you calling me FAT?

Annie (Lady M) x said...

Cool. I agree, gay marriage is still new enough to court interest ....... so that means that you are pioneers ...... Fabbo! Don't you just love pioneering?!!

Can't wait to hear about the run up to the wedding.. keep us posted won't you?

smArtee said...

OMG...congrats to you both....Joy and Peace to you..!...have a wonderful day....!

Brennig said...

Actually... that's really sweet and made me smile. We had a classical guitarist at our wedding; just felt a guitar was more portable than a harp... :)

Sara Plays House said...

*I* want to go to a big fat gay wedding! But I live in Georgia. I think I'll be waiting AWHILE until my friends have the opportunity.
So please, DETAILS! I need the details. This is important.
Also--CONGRATULATIONS to you both. :)

FabuLeslie said...

Speed the day when it won't be news at all. Congratulations and I wish you all the best!

Gadgerson said...

Congratulations!!! There is nothing better in life then getting to spend your life with the one you love. I am very happy for you both!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Brahm said...

No, honey, I am NOT calling you fat. Just an expression. Yeesh! And the fact that we hoovered pizzas for dinner will have absolutely no effect on how our clothes fit tomorrow...

Thanks all for the congrats, we are of course very excited and I am sure will be writing more as the big day approaches!

Linda Medrano said...

Let me offer my most wholehearted congratulations to both of you blushing grooms! Your special day I hope will be everything you ever dreamed of. It all sounds so lovely. As a woman born in San Francisco in 1946, I cannot help but wonder at the marvelous fact that Canada has legalized such a normal and yes natural thing as same sex marriage while California has not. It horrifies and shames me, Darling! Still, the day will come. Mark my words! Best to yo and yours! And Man! Can you write!

Aunt Juicebox said...

I'm sure it will be lovely, and I wish you the best of luck together. :D Would love to see some pictures!

Stephen said...

The Husband & I were married on our 25th anniversary as a couple in Vancouver BC. We were married on a roof top with just the Canadian officiate & our 2 best men. We followed aith a party in Seattle later that evening, with friends & family.

We wish you both, & your canines, the very best in your new adventur together. We will toast you on your special day.

injaynesworld said...

I am so excited and happy for you. And what a great day it will be when same-sex marriages are no longer newsworthy. Very eloquently put, my friend.

Big hugs.

Ginny said...

A big fat congratulations to you and your spouse-to-be. (At least there's a gender-neutral term for husband and/or wife.)

Here's to your continued happiness!

Midwestern Mama Holly said...

Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth for the other. Now there is no more loneliness, for each of you will be companion for the other. Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you. Go now to your dwelling place to begin the days of your life together. May your days together be good and long upon the earth.

- Apache Wedding Blessing

WannabeVirginia W. said...

Congratulations to your and your partner. Awesome.

Kate@And Then I Was a Mom said...

Congratulations! We did brunch for our wedding, too--I commend your good taste.


it is available but is not yet the norm. you are amongst the pionners who thread this road. politics are about our personal lives, supposedly to make it all better. hoping it works out just fine in your case. wish i could catch the bouquet!! i need a bit of hope in the romance department...

Wilmaryad Oscallas said...

Congratulations! We need success stories, and dare I say good role models, in this community. I wish you nothing but happiness and endless love, here and thereafter. :-)

J@v@JuNKo said...

yeeeeeeeeeeee! how exciting, i totally wish I could make a cake for you!!!

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