May 14, 2010

I am a closeted lipstick lesbian country singer who banged Brad Paisley...

Okay okay I am neither a closeted lipstick lesbian nor a country singer...

I have however just read Like Me by Chely Wright; it is her brand new, much-hyped autobiography and story of coming out of the closet. With her choreographed media blitz, book release, and album release, I was curious and skeptical about this one as I downloaded it on to my Kindle -- and then devoured the whole damn thing in a day, during a round trip business flight to Winnipeg.

Wright knew she was gay from the time she was a small child, and knew she had to hide it in small town rural America. The book talks about the choices she made, the lies she told, and the secret life she hid. She then consciously chose her career over her life, with tough consequences and heartbreak all over the place.

She has great stories to tell: building her career and winning awards, entertaining the troops overseas, awkward meetings with Dick Cheney and Fox News, and doomed affairs with a married woman and heartthrob Brad Paisley. When confronted about rumours she was caught having sex with a woman on her tour bus, Wright denies them loudly and truthfully -- the only sex on her tour bus was with Paisley, and they weren't caught.

I liked a lot about Like Me -- the book is intimate and smart and honest, touching, sad and sometimes funny and amusing. I also identified with a lot in Like Me - knowing early, feeling set apart, challenging family relationships, and the childhood polarity of trying to figure out who you are while also trying to hide who you are.

Wright's story is important because visibility matters. It is also important as it shines a light on a closeted industry, and especially interesting as she talks about her struggle to reconcile her sexuality and her faith.

Like Me is written in the here and now, often just as she is coming out. Wright is in progress and introspective. I devoured the book, it's fast and smart and totally involving. And now I am so eager to see what Wright does next...


yona said...

hey alfred, thanks for the post. personally i find it hard to believe that a woman is a lesbian when she has sex with a guy, but that's just me... so i probably won't read it unless it's really really good. just saying. yo

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I wish her all the best! The last country singer who was brave enough to come out was k.d. lang. You'll notice she's a pop and jazz singer now.

Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

I have no idea who Wright is, but your book review has me intrigued!


Linda Medrano said...

I have one good friend who was engaged to a man when she realized she was a lesbian. She is now married to a woman who was married for 20 years and had 3 kids. Different people go on different journeys don't they? I would like to read this book because she sounds like a very cool lady.

Lauren said...

Go her! There's a desperate need for out role models in popular culture, in my opinion anyway. Sounds like an interesting read... might pick that up when I get through my own pile.

R.J. said...

I've known about Chely Wright for over a decade and I *have* to pick up this book now that you've written this. I may even pick it up tomorrow.

Rusty Hoe said...

I've had gay friends who have been with members of the opposite sex prior to feeling comfortable with accepting and expressing who they are. For some it was a matter of trying to 'make' themselves straight to fit in with both their own and others ideas of normal. For others it was an attraction to an individual person. They don't call it a continuum for nothing. The journey is a very individual one, you just hope that they all find their truth and happiness like Chely. Sounds like a good read.

Mrsblogalot said...

Well good for her. Think the story will make a good country song?


doesn't winnipeg take 2 "n"?
what do i know!!

Brahm said...

I too made the comparison with kd lang, who is from near where I live -- coming out freed her, and was a societal shift, and also killed her country career.

While I know it is confusing that a lot of gay people have slept with opposite sex partners - ie straight sex -- a lot of us have, out of curiosity, societal expectations, etc. It is awkward and bumbling funbling and weird... or so I hear, that's my story!

And yes Mrsblogalot, you are so right, this would make an awesome country song! Would have to work in a large pickup truck and a gun rack somehow...

Clare and Gary said...

I'll second Rusty Hoe here (love that name by the way) ... I have fantastic male gay friend in England, I'd met his boyfriends..he now is in a commited long term realtionship. We would party and get drunk together and frequently would end up 'snogging' and a touch more... I asked him about this and his response was although he knew he was gay he found me to hard to resist. I'm pretty sure we would never of had sex because it was a bit weird for me (although he is as handsome as any man I've ever met) but it illustrates a point that sometimes a person of the sex you are not normally drawn to comes into your life and you become a little smitten with them, wether its sexual or not.
Anyway, not knowing who Brad Paisley was I googled him and I quite fancy him with his hat I can understand why! LOL

FabuLeslie said...

This is a great review. I've never heard of this woman, but you made me think about checking the book out. I liked your point about the dichotomy of trying to find out who you really are while having to hide it the whole time. Ridiculous and annoying that people still have to do that in this increasingly bigoted society we live in. I can't imagine having to meet with Dick Cheney or Fox News in her shoes. *shudder*

injaynesworld said...

That's really a well-written review. Not being hugely into country music, I'd never heard of her before she recently appeared all over the news, but you made the book sound very interesting all on its own. Maybe I'll give it a look now.

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