May 5, 2010

Worst movie idea ever? Not sure...

How's this for dumbass? According to EW, coming soon from the same geniuses who are bringing us Transformers 3: Return of the Plotless and the upcoming Battleship: The Movie, comes a Magic 8-Ball movie.


I like the Magic 8-Ball --- that little black liquid-filled fortune telling bowling ball that solves life's existential questions about romance and humanity with answers like "not sure" and "try again" as much as the next guy, but really --- a live-action big-budget movie?

I'm thinking skip this one, and wait for the Ouija board flick, cuz we know it is coming!


Vodka Logic said...

Yeah it does sound lame but with the right writer who knows.
I will await your review ;)

Ray's Cowboy said...

It might be a funny / scary movie. I mean allot of the movies we are seeing today is yesterday tv shows.. A-Team and all that goes with it.

Clare and Gary said...

I'm happy to say I'm clueless as to what the eight ball is!

Aunt Becky said...

Dude. NO WAY. Seriously? That almost sounds like the start of a great (or terrible) joke.

FabuLeslie said...

Outlook not so good, but you should never doubt the Magic 8-ball.

Brahm said...

It is decidedly so... There apparently really is going to be a Battleship movie.

Don't count on it... cuz this one my friends is gonna suck...

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