I won't watch because of CNN contributor Roland Martin, who I have seen on the network before with his boisterous bullying ways and really bad dancing (it's probably on YouTube).
This weekend Martin's true homophobia came shining through. For the second time.
The first time was last year when Tracy Morgan's comedy routine included the proclamation that if his son came out as gay he would stab him. An uproar ensued, Martin loudly defended him and abruptly dismissed those who were offended, then Morgan apologized, and Martin looked like a jerk. Now after this second incident, GLAAD is calling on CNN to dump Martin, who apparently boasts on his website that his wife “has counseled many men and women to walk away from the gay lifestyle.”
This weekend, the CNN pundit send out homophobic tweets during the Superbowl. Yes, on twitter, where even the smallest asinine thing will come back to haunt you. He wasn't even smart enough to do it in private. So a homophobe AND a moron!
After H&M’s sexy underwear commercial, Martin tweeted: “If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped about David Beckham’s H&M underwear ad, smack the ish out of him! #superbowl”
In response, GLAAD tweeted: “@rolandsmartin Advocates of gay bashing have no place at @CNN #SuperBowl #LGBT“
Then Martin decided to fit more of his foot in his mouth. He replied: @glaad @CNN well you’re clearly out of touch and clueless with what I tweeted. Way to assume, but you’re way off base”
Mr Sensitive's comments weren’t contained to twitter; the next morning he posted to his Facebook fan page: “Who the hell was that New England Patriot they just showed in a head to toe pink suit? Oh, he needs a visit from #teamwhipdatass”
Martin now says his tweets were regarding soccer fans, not gay men. On his Facebook status, he wrote: I made several cracks about soccer as I do all the time. I was not referring to sexuality directly or indirectly regarding the David Beckham ad, and I’m sorry folks took it otherwise...
Mr. Martin, I don’t know a damn thing about professional sports, but I do know this: Nobody pays attention to soccer in America. That story doesn't fly.
On its website, GLAAD concludes: Martin’s tweets today advocating violence against gay people weren’t an accident — they are a part of a larger pattern for Martin. Anti-gay violence in America is a serious problem facing millions of Americans. It’s no joke. CNN should fire Roland Martin.
GLAAD asks supporters to sign a petition. I did. Find it at http://www.glaad.org/.
I am counting three strikes here, CNN... the homophobe has to go. But he will fit right in at Fox News...
Update: as of Feb 8th, 3 days after the Superbowl, CNN has suspended Roland Martin. Stay tuned to see what happens next...
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